Fight Your Fungus Kit $49.95

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Fight Your Fungus Kit $49.95

Product Details

Toenail fungus is no laughing matter! Use our Fight Your Fungus Kit to help treat this malady.

  1. Apply the anti-fungal cream to the skin on the bottom of your feet, sides of your feet, between your toes, and around your nails. Apply 2 times a day for 2 weeks, after 2 weeks, apply 1 time a day.
  2. Apply the anti-fungal solution or polish on your nails daily. Remove the polish weekly and re-apply. This will create a barrier around the nail to protect the nail from future fungal infections.
  3. Spray the insides of your shoes with the antifungal spray at the end of each day.
  4. The pumice stone can be use for any rough skin patches on your feet